City of Pécs

The Mediterranean city of Pécs – the fifth largest city of Hungary – is situated at the foothills of Mecsek mountain range, and it is an absolute treasure trove of arts and sacrality, where visitors can experience and discover two millennia of various historical periods among their well-preserved original settings. From ancient Roman burial chambers, which are recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Site, a Turkish minaret and türbe, medieval castle walls and the Bishop’s Palace, the harmonic unity of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque residential buildings of the old town and a plethora of museums. The intellectual and tangible heritage of the Zsolnay family make Pécs one of the most promising cultural destinations in Hungary. No surprise, that it has been home to renowned artists such as painters, poets, architects, or musicians for centuries. It is easy to understand why the town was selected to be the European Capital of Culture in 2010. Till nowdays Pécs has a very vibrant life of contemporary Art and Music, that can be discover in several exhibition spots and festivals all year.

The Zsolnay Cultural Quarter was completely reborn for 2010 in the former factory area. Each building and sculpture in the Quarter tells a different story about the everyday life, artistic activity of the Zsolnay family who once lived here. Here you can find the unique collection of almost 700 porcelain items and the impressive Zsolnay Mausoleum. Pécs is one of the most atmospheric and spectacular cities of Hungary, which makes it a popular tourist destination. Zsolnay, Csontváry, Vasarely… only some examples of many attractive exhibitions. Pécs as a basis of foreign students and university town is a colourful and multicultural city nowadays as well. Here is always happening something: music, theatre, festivals, varied wine and gastro spots are around you all year long. The first and only light festival is now the emblematic Zsolnay Light Festival a popular international event in July. The worldwide known Zsolnay porcelain and leather gloves and also a 150 years old brewery are the creative industrial heritage of the town. You are always welcome to the city of Pécs.

cultural quarter

From the spring of 2012 on, the glamorous Zsolnay Cultural Quarter has been operating in full swing, at the former place of residence of the Zsolnay family. The old factory buildings have been renovated, and even the grim industrial objects, like the former line of furnaces or the sky-high chimneys can evoke nice feelings in the casual spectator. Perhaps it is no exaggeration to say: what was built in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter shall serve for the edification of everyone in the future, in terms of both culture and public education. Zsolnay’s history can be visited now. The collection of László Gyugyi returned from America: the exhibition of nearly 700 ceramic artefacts called the “Golden Age of Zsolnay” is one of the major artistic attractions of the quarter. The “Pink” exhibition featuring the earliest Zsolnay products is the collection of Barnabás Winkler, and the former two are completed by the Factory Family History Exhibition. While the Zsolnay Porcelain Manufacture is still operational, a visual workshop offers an insight to visitors into the current work.

The Zsolnay Cultural Quarter is a modern, contemporary complex in every inch.

The largest exhibition hall of Pécs, Pécs Gallery – M21, was built here offering the best works of contemporary art to the audience. Hall E78: The building itself is a multifunctional venue where concerts, exhibitions, theatre performances, and lesser-scale, chamber style events are held. The Planetarium, enjoying utmost popularity since its opening, offers attractive entertainment for children and adults alike. By the way, the Quarter has a lot to offer to children, the prospective cultural visitors of future: outdoor playgrounds, the “Lab”, the Magic Space and the children’s programs of the festival wait for them here. The attractions do not end there, as one of the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter is a living space as well. The shops of Artisans’ Street offer pleasant entertainment with restaurants, bars, cafés, where some nice carefree hours can be spent either indoors or outdoors sitting over a café or a meal while enjoying the view and the nice atmosphere.
Those who want to stay, can do it as comfortable guest flats await the travellers come from far.